Résumé Building: Don’t Be Afraid to Stick to the Basics!

In our previous blog, we discussed the importance of listing your impact on a company versus just stating your job description in your resume résumé. Although this can be a challenge, we should take a step back and focus on our foundation.

I receive many résumés from both prospect & current clients, and you’d be surprised at the simple adjustments that you can make that will have a significant improvement.

Here are two quick tips to consider as you prepare to build your resume:


1) Quality check your contact information! I’ve seen several examples of job seekers submitting their résumés and their contact information was incorrect. This is the most critical information to validate before submitting your résumé.

While the reasons may be obvious, the biggest head-scratcher is when a candidate’s name is spelled wrong.

Yes… this happens. Although a simple mistake, consider if your email is incorrect. How would a recruiter contact you?


2) Make your résumé easily digestible for the reader.

3) Keep your format consistent.

4) Begin with your contact information, summary (about me), and education or experience.

These three tips allow recruiters to swiftly identify who you are, which improves their ability to assess your potential.

(Click the picture to the left to view our résumé templates)


5) Tailor your résumé to the industry or position you're applying for.

6) Fill EVERY page with relevant information!

7) ALWAYS include your transferable skills!

8) Document your impact and not your job description. We’ve touched on this tip in detail in our blog, BUILDING YOUR BRAND: PREPARING TO BUILD YOUR RESUME.

These four tips are KEY and add the “meat” that will provide a longer-lasting intriguing taste. Our video below explains these tips in greater detail.


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